Joining in…

Welcome. I finally decided to give this weblog thingy a try ;-) . I started putting up a basic WordPress 2.0 blog with an only slightly modified kubrick theme as you can see, but I’m planning on using a k2 release when it’s getting more stable with WP 2.0. I definately want a simple but beautiful theme which means I either have to find a good theme that suits my needs or have to start designing it myself *sigh* if time permits. The page will change a lot, no matter what.

Content wise, you can expect software and web development as well as database topics, reviews of tools and hardware, ideas for projects and anything else I’ll find worth posting. I’ll probably include links to podcasts I listen to and I might link to my flickr pics though they are not tech related.

I know that most blogs die within weeks but I’m determined to produce some fresh content from every day development – stuff that excites or that bothers me – all the interessting tech bits.

One thought on “Joining in…

  1. Mr.Covey succeeded in braenikg me. I was broken in body ,soul and spirit ..I have already suggested that the first six months of my stay at Mr.Covey were much worse than the last six .The events that led to the change in Mr.covey attitude toward me from a turning point in my humble history. You have seen how a man was made a slave ;you shall see how a slave was made a man. I chose this quote because it describes slavery and the attitude of the slave owners. its represents the irony and foreshadowing and tone.

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