Daemon Tools shell integration

If your using daemon tools regularly you need a proper shell integration. I finally realized today I have to find a new integration for the daemon tools v4 version – I’ve lived without one so far. Apparently a new version of the awxDtools was released today – my favourite integration that I used for daemon tools v3 so far. Unfortunately it only is available with an adware-installer – I didn’t bother to check it out further, let alone tried to remove this crap.

Since I’m currently only using one virtual drive I decided to stick with a very simple windows shell integration. With associating the damon tools executable with the right parameters you have a mount-on-doubleclick solution in minutes. You can set the associations in Windows Explorer under Extras > Folderoptions. The following screenshot shows the dialog – it’s a german windows version though:
Association of ISO files with deamon tools

A better solution would be using a common definition for all the image types and also provide a unmount option like this guy Archades did in his reg file. It would even be possible to add a second virtual drive as another operation in the context menu. As I see it, if you have a decent reg file that creates the associations there is barely any need for additional tools to provide a daemon tools integration.

When calling deamon tools with command line parameters you have make sure that secure mode ist turned off in the daemon tools options or you’ll get a confirmation dialog each time you try to mount an image.

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